

in Irish make-up


our ambition

As creatives working the film industry we help to make sense of the world; what it was, what it is, and what it could be. To that end, it is important not just to recognise the end result but also the process in getting there. How can we, as an industry with so much influence not just create new worlds but also shape our own for the better?

Tackling the climate crisis can sometimes feel like an insurmountable task, especially when viewed as an individual and how you alone can make an impact, this overlooks the power of communities and the potential difference we can create when working together. ISME believes that the decades long experience of our members allows for the most practical approach to sustainability within our department.

While we hope to work with productions and our colleagues in other departments on these issues, we believe it a bottom up approach that enables communities to set and reach attainable goals. With this in mind ISME is creating a framework, based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to encourage Ireland based make-up teams to run greener departments.


Our Goals

  • Responsible consumption

    Making informed choices to reduce department waste by being thoughtful about department purchases and choosing a sustainable option whenever possible.

  • Reducing waste

    Using reusable items instead of disposables when possible. For example station mats, cutlery and coffee cups.

  • Rehoming kit

    We have all found ourselves with underutilised kit that still holds creative value. ISME’s rehoming scheme offers a system to rehome valuable kit to junior and trainee grades.

  • Energy efficieny

    Ensuring energy is used sufficiently within the make-up department, on the make-up bus and in the crowd room.

  • Donating

    Donating unused items at the end of a production to charities such as the Hygiene Bank, which hopes to tackle hygiene poverty in Ireland, and the DSPCA.

  • Promoting sustainability

    Promoting best environmental practices within a production and encouraging other departments and crew members to do the same.


Track our progress

ISME members will be able to update the amount of kg saved from landfill through a form in the members area.
Whether it is through donating to one of chosen organisations or by rehoming under-utilised kit to some of our juniors and trainees, every kg counts.
We’re currently beginning this journey but you can watch our progress below!

Total KG saved by ISME members from landfill in 2022

Did you know?

Disposable coffee cup

You can save 0.58 litres of water 60.9 grammes of carbon each time you opt for a reusable cup instead of a disposable one.

Email icon with amassing notifications

That if every adult in the UK sent one fewer “thank you” email a day we would save more than 16,433 tonnes of carbon a year.

Image of Make-up Artist waiting for checks looking over Icelandic expanse, with the quote “To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the artist now.” by Samuel Beckett writen over it

“To find a form that accommodates the mess, that is the task of the artist now.”

— Samuel Beckett

organisations we donate to


Find out more about sustainable development