ISME Code of Practice


ISME recognises membership is a valuable asset.
A core aim of the Guild is to preserve high standards and our consequent reputation for professional expertise and integrity.
Our Guild Logo identifies those who provide and maintain high standards of skill and quality of service. As well as giving reassurance to both employers and suppliers, it places an obligation on new members to live up to these same standards.
Compliance with the Code of Practice is mandatory for all members of ISME.
In addition to complying with the Guild’s Code of Practice, members are asked to carry out their business in the spirit of the Guild; demonstrating experience, honesty, fairness, transparency, enthusiasm and helpfulness.


ISME strives to maintain and uphold the highest standards of integrity.
We aspire to promote and enhance the Guild’s reputation, its standing and good name through best workplace practices and professional conduct.


Members must have at least two full credits on feature films or TV drama productions* in the grade for which they are listed.
Members shall seek to maintain and preserve the highest standards of ISME.
Members of ISME will not behave in any way which would bring the Guild or any of its members into disrepute.
Any member who allows their standards to fall, resulting in verified complaint, may have their membership suspended or revoked in accordance with our Membership codes of practice.
Members should not make any statement, whether orally or in writing, to the media, representing such statement as Guild policy, unless expressly authorised to do so by ISME.
Members shall pay a subscription to the Guild which shall become due and payable immediately upon joining.
Members must ensure their profile listing is up to date and accurate.


Members of the Guild are encouraged to display ISME logo, on their business stationery, website and email signature. The logo must not be used by any non-members, or in any capacity other than directly for business purposes.
If a person ceases to be a member or their membership is suspended or revoked in accordance with our Membership codes of practice, their right to display and use the logo shall cease.


ISME promotes transparency and asks its Members to avoid any conflicts of interest and actions that may appear to promote or favour their own personal gain, or might not be in the best interest of the employing Production Company.


ISME believes that good management is essential and members are encouraged to cultivate positive relationships with their peers and colleagues, and to display and promote the very highest standards of ethical and professional conduct.


ISME is committed to equality of opportunity and inclusiveness.
We promote, value and respect diversity.
Members of the Guild are asked to recognise and respect the rights of our members to work in environments free from discrimination, victimisation, harassment and bullying.


ISME requests its members acknowledge that Guild business and information shared to its members, is confidential and for the benefit of Guild members only.


If a complaint is being made against a Guild member:

A letter detailing the complaint must be sent to The Chair of the Committee of ISME.
The Committee shall determine whether the complaint is a violation of ISME’s Code of Practice or Terms of Membership.
The Chair of the Committee will attempt to resolve the matter, within fourteen days upon receipt of the Letter of Complaint.
If it is found there has been a violation disciplinary action may be taken - such action may include revoking or suspending membership to ISME.
If a resolution can not be reached, the complaint will be referred to Members of ISME, where a majority vote will determine the outcome.


To become a member of ISME, a standard of competence and expertise coupled with experience in the Film & TV industry is required.
Applicants must warrant they can perform the services as required for the grade within which they are applying to be represented; having at least two substantiated credits, on feature films or TV drama productions*, within that grade. 
These credits should be on complete productions* which demonstrate a range of skills and experiences.

(*qualifying productions are those Feature Films with budgets of more than €750,000 or TV series or serial with budgets of €250,000 per hour.)

If a member does not work on the whole length of a production, they must specify so in their application, outlining the period of their involvement or make use of the term “dailies”.
Applications must be supported by a minimum two named referees.
These must be people with whom you have worked directly, on three complete and separate productions within the last three years.
At least one referee must be an existing member of ISME with whom you have worked at the grade for which membership is sought.
Prior to submitting an application, named referees must be contacted by the applicant to ensure they are aware of the process involved.
An Application Form can be found here
Membership is contingent on having worked within the department within the last 5 years. Fellow membership is also extended to those who have retired from the Industry.
ISME members must become familiar with and abide by the 2020 film agreement, the comprehensive agreement for the feature film (TV & Cinema)  and television drama industry in Ireland.
ISME members agree to abide by our grading system and competency framework.
If looking to work outside of your grade (Please refer to the grading document).
A temporary upgrade can only occur if there is no one available at that particular grade at the time of hiring and is only applicable for that particular production.
An application form must be emailed to and approved by the guild based on the competency framework. 
ISME members will not cross over into the hair department.
Membership can be withdrawn at any time if a member is deemed to have violated the ISME code of practice.